I create a lot of graphics stuff using Macromedia FireworksMX 2004 & it is always saved as a PNG file with no option in the program to change to a JPEG. I like to get a good quality result so set any fireworks design to 300 or 600 dpi depending on how large it will be.
The problem is when I want to upload an image on to photobucket, for example for use as a sig for a forum where they have rules like..... no larger than 100x400 pixels and for a maximum of 60Kb & must be in a JPEG format.
Obviously even at a size of 100x400 pixels most are way over 60kb. What I've been doing up to now is opening them again in MS Paint & changing the format to JPEG in there, but I loose so much quality & it looks poor on me. Look at my sig here for example, it looks really pixelated [sp?]. I was thinking it may be "paint" as it's such an old & basic program?
Is there a way around this to bring the quality back up to how I produced it in Fireworks but havign the design in a JPEG format?