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Author Topic: The World's Greatest Actor  (Read 8727 times)

Offline sam

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« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2006, 17:17 »
without relaxation of one form or another a human becomes very dull

and will probably shrivel up and die... and heck its a bank holiday here in the UK this weekend, wohoo.. time to relax! :-)
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline davy51

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« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2006, 21:29 »
Quote from: "Mac"
Quote from: "davy51"
I prefer to be entertained by anything that is not harmful.

Movies and actors are entertaining. Without relaxation of one form or another a human becomes very dull.

What things do you consider to be harmful?

anything that causes physical harm to another human.

whats harmfull to me might not be to you

and as a human everyone has the right to pursue happiness in their own manor as long as it doesnt cause harm to another

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Offline davy51

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« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2006, 21:31 »
Quote from: "sam"
without relaxation of one form or another a human becomes very dull

and will probably shrivel up and die... and heck its a bank holiday here in the UK this weekend, wohoo.. time to relax! :-)

I agree wholeheartedly Sam

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Offline Mac

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« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2006, 07:38 »
Quote from: "davy51"
Quote from: "Mac"
Quote from: "davy51"
I prefer to be entertained by anything that is not harmful.

Movies and actors are entertaining. Without relaxation of one form or another a human becomes very dull.

What things do you consider to be harmful?

Anything that causes physical harm to another human.

What's harmful to me might not be to you.

As a human everyone has the right to pursue happiness in their own manner as long as it doesn't cause harm to another.

What makes you think that you are regarded as being human by religion?


Offline davy51

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« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2006, 14:27 »
Quote from: "Mac"
Quote from: "davy51"
Quote from: "Mac"
Quote from: "davy51"
I prefer to be entertained by anything that is not harmful.

Movies and actors are entertaining. Without relaxation of one form or another a human becomes very dull.

What things do you consider to be harmful?

Anything that causes physical harm to another human.

What's harmful to me might not be to you.

As a human everyone has the right to pursue happiness in their own manner as long as it doesn't cause harm to another.

What makes you think that you are regarded as being human by religion?


I dont remember saying anything about religion.

I spoke as one human to another

witout something to believe in the human cannot adapt

purely military society[dictatorships ] usually fail of their own corruption

purely religious societys are nothing but a dictatorship

a level must be found between the two and that is called democracy

theorectically it gives natural rights to all human beings

Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend

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Offline Mac

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« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2006, 14:40 »
Quote from: "davy51"
Quote from: "Mac"
Quote from: "davy51"
Quote from: "Mac"
Quote from: "davy51"
I prefer to be entertained by anything that is not harmful.

Movies and actors are entertaining. Without relaxation of one form or another a human becomes very dull.

What things do you consider to be harmful?

Anything that causes physical harm to another human.

What's harmful to me might not be to you.

As a human everyone has the right to pursue happiness in their own manner as long as it doesn't cause harm to another.

What makes you think that you are really a human being?


Hello Davy, I changed it a little as you'll see.

"I don't remember saying anything about religion."

The religious speak about nothing else you'll admit.

"I spoke as one human to another."

What makes you think that we are human?

"Without something to believe in the human cannot adapt."

That would be a secular point of view which would be, of necessity, non-religious. (Even as a would be secular people are we nice to each other?)

"Purely military society [dictatorships ] usually fail of their own corruption."
Civilian and religious corruption is more the problem given civilian occupations and the nature of religion.

"Purely religious societies are nothing but a dictatorship."

Time to scrap all religions then.

"A level must be found between the two and that is called democracy."

Correction. That is called secular.

"Theorectically it gives natural rights to all human beings."

What makes you think that you are truly human?

Is God human? Is satan human? Is the dapper little man human?

How can anyone be secular and have churches and priests, etc. in evidence and why should a celibacy exist or any people known as holy men or holy women?

Q. What does the term holiness mean?

A. It has to do with holes including the holes in the body.

Why so many denominations when one secular definition would suffice?

What is anyone praying to?

If people have to pray is that which they are praying to benevolent or only half and half, being 'god' and 'satan' rolled into one?

NOTE God And Satan = GAS and gas is poisonous.

Offline Mac

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« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2006, 15:26 »
Logically, if 'christ' fed 5000 people on loaves and fishes then 'christianity' cannot be applied to more than 5000 people.

Biblical numbers have nothing to do with - real- numbers.

5000 could just as well be 5000 years.

So there is no comparison between religion and secularism.

The model for religion is taken from Egypt and the Pyramids where the 'world' is flat (as each person lives in their own little 'world') has four corners, as the base of the pyramid has four corners and where people find their own level just as water is said to find its own level.

Water may appear to be 'flat' but is always curved as it follows the curvature of the Earth. We are mostly made of water.

All Einsteinian 'physics' deals in relative matters relating to religion whereas Newtonian physics deal with the real world according to secular thinking. Newton probably prayed as well.

Why should a dog believe in god when you are only made in a (mirror) image?


Where | represents a mirror or 'looking glass'.

OK, I would need to reverse the g and the d to do this properly but that would be a complete giveaway.

As the truth is represented by a duck I leave you to draw your own conclusions. A duck also represents Zero or O, o and 0

Where the two curved lines intersect in the representation of a fish, this is called the vanishing point.


Offline Mac

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« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2006, 15:55 »
Budda is reputed to have said that this would never work properly unless everyone was Buddhist.

Mao Tse Tung reckoned on 100,000 people and so on, as above.

The population of Taiwan is 22,894,384 according to the CIA with an average population density of 623 persons per square km.

In other world areas population density is only 2 per square kilometer.

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« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2006, 16:18 »
THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST is a vivid depiction of the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life.
Sometime around the year A.D. 30, in the Roman province of Palestine, an obscure Jewish carpenter named Jesus of Nazareth began to teach publicly and to proclaim the coming of a 'Kingdom of God.' For centuries, the Jewish people had expected the appearance of a promised deliverer known as the Messiah --a figure who would restore their ancient dignity, and free their sacred homeland from all evil and despair. In the minds of many, Jesus appeared to be this Messiah. Surrounded by a core group of twelve disciples, Jesus began to attract a massive following from among the common people of Galilee and Judea, who eventually praised him as their Messiah and King. However, Jesus also had many enemies in Jerusalem. The Sanhedrin, a governing senate composed of the leading Jewish priests and Pharisees, conspired to put Jesus to death.
With the aid of Judas Iscariot, a member of Jesus' own inner circle, the Sanhedrin succeeded in arresting Jesus, handing him over to the Roman secular authorities on unsubstantiated charges of treason against Rome. Although Jesus consistently maintained that his Kingdom was a heavenly and spiritual one, the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, faced with the possibility of a riot, ordered that Jesus be taken outside the city and crucified as a common criminal.

Offline davy51

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« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2006, 16:40 »
Well now we do have a problem lol

i prefere not to dicuss politics or religion

it leads to nothing but hard feelings and disruption

so do you have another topic you would like to dicuss

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Offline Mac

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« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2006, 16:52 »
You like fishing?

We used to abide by a ruling which said never to discuss religion, politics and matters of an indelicate nature.

Like everyone else.

Well nearly everyone else.

Well nobody actually does this at all.

I've never heard of religion in the modern day, as it is a couple of thousand years out of date, and politics doesn't really exist other than as a figment of the imagination.

As I know of no variations on the normal gender system I often wonder what it is that people are talking about.

This could be entirely the wrong planet though. But as none of these things exist on the Moon I really don't see why they should exist at all.

Ah well, it was nice to dream of perfection.

A perfect 10

Offline Mac

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« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2006, 17:00 »

Offline Lona

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« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2006, 21:52 »
As I know of no variations on the normal gender system I often wonder what it is that people are talking about.

I often wonder what you're talking about Mac.  Maybe you've spent too much time sitting at a computer  :peepsofa:

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

Offline Mac

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« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2006, 17:10 »
It's all done with smoke and mirrors Lona, so they tell me.


Offline Mac

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« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2006, 17:38 »
Bo Derek starred in a film called '10' which is like the 10 commandments, 101010 as in binary, or IOIOIO or ioioioio, as in Io which is a moon of Jupiter or Jove.

Then Jupiter aligns with Mars, Age of Aquarius, following from Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, etc.

And that's just the way it is.

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