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Author Topic: Driver IRQL not less than or equal  (Read 4255 times)

Offline mikeyp

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« on: June 16, 2006, 12:14 »
Hi there. I've been having overheating problems for a while now. I've purchased a bigger CPU heatsink and fan, a case fan and I now have all my un-used drive slots with the panels off so I have maximum ventilation in the case. I have cleaned all the dust out too. My pc is still running at 60-65 degrees C. I have run speedfan and all my voltages seem to be about right. My +12v is running at +11.92 -12v is running at -11.89v etc..... the only one that seems far out is my -5v which is running at -5.3v but they are not more than 0.3 out on each rail.
The error message I'm getting is the one in the title, I get the blue screen of death and the message : driver IRQL not less than or equal. I have looked all over the net and this seems to point to overheating most of the time.
I wonder if anyone can give me a pointer as to my next move. Firstly, is there anyway I can check my power supply is adequate? I have upgraded the graphics card, and the RAM since new so I now have less space in the case and more demand for power.
The heatsink I have is about 15mm bigger than my standard one and the fan runs at 4500rpm rather than the 1900rpm of my standard and the airflow is about 54cfm. This had the effect of reducing my temp from 70C down to 65C but 65C is still too high.
The only other pointer I have is maybe a faulty device driver? Everytime I get the blue screen of death, my internet modem doesn't work so I have to re-install the modem driver.
As my pc is a 'package deal' i.e. i have no windows disk, everything is on the hard drive from the factory, someone has advised me to get an XP disk and format my hard-drive and re-install everything from scratch.
I'm open to suggestions, please help.

My test results http://www.pcpitstop.com/techexpress.asp?id=YULBPW4P04QS3EAQ


Offline Sandra

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2006, 13:00 »
Hi Mike and :welcome:

It does seem like its connected to the modem driver somehow.
Have you tried updating it to a newer one if one is available ?

Do you get a stop error message 0x000000?? when you get the BSOD ?
If so can you tell us the last two letters/numbers.

Faulty ram can also cause this type of problem.
If you have 2 or more sticks of ram then try running on just one stick and see if you get the same fault.
If you do then replace that one with one of your other sticks.

Try running this free program, better with one stick at a time in :


Offline mikeyp

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2006, 13:12 »
Quote from: "Sandra"
Hi Mike and :welcome:

It does seem like its connected to the modem driver somehow.
Have you tried updating it to a newer one if one is available ?

Do you get a stop error message 0x000000?? when you get the BSOD ?
If so can you tell us the last two letters/numbers.

Faulty ram can also cause this type of problem.
If you have 2 or more sticks of ram then try running on just one stick and see if you get the same fault.
If you do then replace that one with one of your other sticks.

Try running this free program, better with one stick at a time in :


I do get stop error message but I cannot remember the digits, I'll write it down next time and let you know.
I have updated the driver but the latest version is still only from 2003. I have spoken to AOL and they say it's a conflict with the firewall, but I have totally disabled it and still the same problem occurrs. I've been advised it could be the fact the modem driver is 3 years old and the rest of my PC is bang up to date.
I have recently installed another stick of RAM but was getting these problems before this, however, since installing the new RAM, on two occaisions, my PC has re-started and I got the message - Cannot read random access memory, (or something to that effect) but I was lead to believe my instability problems are caused by overheating?
Could my CPU have been damaged or anything else damaged due to excess heat?
I will try that program tonight when I get home and see what happens.

Thank for your help


Offline Sandra

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2006, 14:00 »
Excess heat can damage things but usually the pc wuold shut down before it got hot enough to cause any serious or permanent damage.
That wouldnt give you a BSOD though when that happened as it would just shut down completely, so I doubt that heat is the major problem.

Are you using AOLs own supplied USB modem ?

Could you borrow a different type to try ?

Offline mikeyp

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2006, 22:17 »
*** Update***
I have just been gaming online, when my modem disconnected (nothing unusual there!) but even the power light went out as if I'd un-plugged it. Then AOL shutdown and said there was a conflict with Norton firewall.
AOL did say this could be the problem but I've never had any evidence to support this until now!
A lot of people I know hate Norton because it's TOO good and wont allow most friendly things to run, let alone hackers n trojans! So I have gone into msconfig and disabled all norton products.
I am due to renew my subscription in a few days but I don't want to, on another note, how do I un-install norton because it doesn't appear in the add/remove programs section??

I've made more vents in my case and cut a hole in the back for extra ventilation. I can now get the pc running at 56C when idle but it still hits 60-60C when loaded but at least this is better. I'm looking at getting a 'gaming' case full of vents n fans, then I'm getting wireless broadband which will give me a new modem so hopefully end of problems!!


Offline Simon

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2006, 22:59 »
Firstly, it's inadvisable to be running online with your security products disabled.  If you're not using Norton, you should at least use the Windows Firewall as a temporary measure, and get yourself another anti-virus client.

What Norton products do you have?  Sometimes, the Firewall is embedded within another product, such as System Works, or Norton Internet Security.  Are none of your Norton products listed in Add / Remove programs?  If not, we should be able to find you some removal tools on the Symantec website, once we know what you have installed.

As far as other security products go, I too switched from Norton a short while ago, as I have read some poor reviews about the latest (2006) versions.  I now use F-Secure Internet Security 2006, which I have found no problems with, and it's a lot faster than Norton too.  You can download a trial version from the above link, but if you want to purchase the full version, I would suggest shopping around, as you can get it cheaper from retailers such as Redstore, or Dabs.
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Offline mikeyp

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2006, 01:07 »
Cheers for your input Simon. Yes I am using Windows firewall anyway, and AOL is very secure so I should be ok at the mo. I am looking at McAfee which I can get cheaper through AOL because they recommend them so it must be tested and work with AOL very well. I have already found the norton removal tool on the Symantec website and have removed all traces of Norton! Until I sort out McAfee, I am using a free firewall called AVG which I'm told is very good and quick but is also free!

Anymore help is always welcome! :P


Offline Simon

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2006, 11:45 »
Never used McAfee myself.  Heard it's a bit of a system hog, but let us know how you get on.  Has the removal of Norton had any positive effects on performance?
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Offline mikeyp

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2006, 23:15 »
Quote from: "Simon"
Never used McAfee myself.  Heard it's a bit of a system hog, but let us know how you get on.  Has the removal of Norton had any positive effects on performance?

Hi Simon. Removal of Norton was  to serve as sort of un-doing the chains (so to speak) from AOL. It seemed like Norton was conflicting with AOL and AOL technical agreed. They helped me try to configure Norton but to no avail then AOL itself actually said 'Norton firewall detected, causing AOL connection problems' so I though, enough is enough, Norton must go!! McAfee seems ok so far fingers crossed.

I have come across another problem, only since I installed some RAM a few weeks ago, it's happened twice now, I got the blue screen of death and instead of the driver problem, I got this code:
STOP : 0X0000007E (0XC0000005,0XB8D2A7E6,0XBA7DF9IC,0XBA7DF618)
psa906.sys-Address B8D2A7E6 base at B8D26000,Datestamp 40aba21b

When I sent the error report to Microsoft, the message said :Error reading random access memory.
I have run the Windows RAM test and the first series of tests where it tests with cache on, all come back fine, it then started to test un-cached and took over 10 minutes just to finished test 1 with another 5 to go, I didn't have time to finishe the test but so far all seemed ok. I did the test with both sticks in, should I test them seperatley to get a more accurate test? and what if the test comes back clean? where else can I look?
Just for the record, I was getting the BSOD before I fitted the RAM but as already mentioned, the error message was Driver IRQL not less than or equal to. Now I am getting two BSOD errors and am starting to pull my hair out! What started as what I thought was a simple overheating and AOL/norton conflict, seems to be taking on a more sinister form. I'm not even sure what is what anymore! :cry:  HELP!!!!  before I lose ALL my hair!!

I will try anything as long as it doesn't cost a lot. I've spent money on RAM, CPU cooler, 2xfans in the last month and the wife is gonna kill me if I spend much more! Any help leading to a result, and I'll buy all the drinks in the virtual pub all night!

Many thanks in advance (hopefully!)


Offline Sandra

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2006, 02:01 »
Have a look here and download the file, that may cure it Mike :


Offline mikeyp

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2006, 22:08 »
Quote from: "Sandra"
Have a look here and download the file, that may cure it Mike :


Thanks for that Sandra, I have downloaded and installed it. Fingers crossed now!  One other thing, seperate from the issues I have mentioned, what effect does having a long extension lead from my main phone socket to my pc? The reason I ask is because sometimes the internet disconnects for a few seconds and the modem status goes to 'training' then it finds a signal and connects again. AOL told me it's because having over 10m cable you lose some quality in the phone line and interference can cause problems. My argument is, surely its the same cable that BT use from the exchage that could be miles away, so why would an extra few metres make a difference?
BT have done a test on my line and said it will take up to 2.5Mb broadband. When I was only on 512kps i never had a single connection issue, since being upgraded to 1Mb, every time i go on the net, it does it at least once so my phone line cannot handle 1Mb let alone 2.5Mb, I don't get it!!


Offline Sandra

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2006, 00:43 »
I wouldnt have thought the length of your lead to the pc would affect it.
Afterall you could have an extension easily that far from your main socket and have a pc plugged in to it without having a problem.

Its more likely to be the quality of the BT line to your house that was ok on 512kb but when they increased the speed it cant handle it.

Unfortunately BT wont admit that your line needs replacing as they only test it on the voice side, unless your ISP gets on to them.
Each one blames the other but usually its the BT line at fault  :(

Offline mikeyp

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Back to the drawing board!
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2006, 21:15 »
I have installed the windows hotfix for my error message and so far no BSOD but I am still having internet connection problems. I spoke to AOL technical AGAIN! and they guy told me to send him a log (AOL automatically creates a system information file based on my PC and any connection problems with AOL) he said straight away that the problem was my AOL program was damaged. All I have to do is re-install it. I have done that and have disconnected no fewer than 8 times in approx 1hour 20 mins, 4 times of that, I have had to re-install my modem again. It now seems to be worse. I just cannot seen to keep a stable connection. I'm at the end of my tether. I am in two minds as to whether I should change my ISP and/or format my HD and start over.
I've never hated computers so much! :evil:  Bill gates has a lot to answer for!

Offline Sandra

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2006, 22:36 »
I think its the AOL software thats the real cuplrit.

I am not keen on the ISPs that want you to install their own software, after all you just want the modem drivers for the supplied modem, not all the associated crap thats bundled with it.

Can you uninstall it all and just install the modem drivers then set up a new connection and put your username and pasword in ?

Offline mikeyp

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Driver IRQL not less than or equal
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2006, 23:23 »
Sandra, I'm inclined to agree with you, a lot of what is going on seems to be associated with AOL and the latet stop message I got proves it, here is the latest in a series of stop messages and the response from Microsoft online crash analysis:

STOP 0x000000D1  (0x00000008,0x00000002,0x00000000,0xF7A37C00)
NDIS.SYS ADDRESS F7A37C00 base at F7A22000  datestamp 41107ec3
When I sent an error report to Microsoft this is the response I got:

Solution not found: contact vendor for support

Thank you for submitting an error report.

Problem description

An unknown error occurred in ADSL USB Modem (glausb.sys). At this time Microsoft is unaware of the specific cause of this problem.


ADSL USB Modem (glausb.sys) is distributed by many companies. Please contact the company that provided you with ADSL USB Modem (glausb.sys) for possible product updates or support options. If you are unsure which company to contact, examine the product details using Device Manager.

Do you suggest I get rid of AOL all together and try maybe BT? I know they just provide a modem and connection without all the other 'crap' and the way I see it, if I have any connection problems, they cant blame a 3rd party phone company because my line and phone service is with them anyway so they'll have no comeback!!
If you think this may be my best way forward (I am already considering it anyway on what other people have said) then it might just have to be.
Do you have any isp recommendations of your own?


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