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Author Topic: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming  (Read 1788 times)

Offline Jaminxz

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Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« on: November 10, 2007, 12:14 »
Firstly havent posted on here for aggggeesss so Hi everyone,

I have been having speed issues with my orange Broadband connection. Generally it is ok for browsing, downloading etc(PC stuff) but recently i have been trying to play online games with my Ps2. Everything does connect properly, its just gaming is of extremely poor qualtiy as it is jerky and has loads of lag.

I have been monitoring my connection speed since the year dot and it is usually around 1.5 - 1.8 Mbps with highs of 2Mbs. Upload speed is around 0.2 Mbps. Also i unplug my PC when when using my ps2 so its nothing on the PC having an effect.

I am running my internet connection through orangelivebox and have turned off my firewall.

Initially i thought it might be the speed of my internet connection, however i've been assured that my connection is more than capable of good online gaming.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated


Offline Rik

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2007, 12:39 »
Assuming you are running Windows, Start > Run > type CMD and press enter.

In the resultant DOS-like box, type ping www.bbc.co.uk and hit enter.

Report back the values you get (min, max and average). If you use a particular gaming server, repeat the exercise for that.


Offline Jaminxz

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2007, 14:51 »
average of 22ms with 0% percent lost.

Not sure of the address of the gaming server as i use a ps2 in connects automatically.

i assume this means its the speet that is the issueratherthan the quality??

Offline Rik

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2007, 15:06 »
The usual problem that gamers encounter is high latency, which shows in the ping test. You result to the BBC is about the same as I get, but I have interleaving on, which is supposed to add about 20ms to the connection.

Are you on a fixed rate, or 'up to 8Mbps' connection? My guess is that the Orange network is lagging a bit, but it could just be that you have interleaving on.


Offline Jaminxz

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2007, 20:33 »
I am on a 'up to 8mps'

I have checked my router configuration and interleaving seems to be off.(ASDL Type: fastm, doesnt say interleaving??)

So is this just a issue of orange beng as poor ISP? or could it be that the livebox router is not great??


Offline Rik

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2007, 10:19 »
It could be either, tbh. Can you get your line stats from the Livebox, ie downstream sync speed, noise margin and attenuation? (Details here.)


Offline merlin

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2007, 22:23 »
i was on orange livebox, and had all the problems you've dicussed

orange said i was getting 6mb ,in fact during "rush hours " it was point 2mb (note the point) with 1.5 mb in slack time

after fighting this with orange for 12 months, and being told lie after lie, i moved to another isp , do'nt think i am allowed to
IDentify which one i now use to get on the NET, as that could be classed as spam, which i do,nt think this forum allows !!!
but i went straight to 5mb, without any problems,

also you can't get your stats off a livebox, it just locks you out

so provided your contract with orange has expired, do'nt hesitate, move ,move

Offline Jaminxz

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2007, 12:08 »
Yeah after a fair bit of research into the subject it is ever-appearing that it is just a matter of Orange being a sub standard ISP, particualrly for gamers who constantly complain about high latency of Orange's system.

Not good news!!

Offline Rik

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Re: Poor speed Orange Internet Gaming
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2007, 12:57 »
How long is your contract?


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