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Author Topic: My crazy graphics card :/  (Read 2563 times)

Offline David^

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My crazy graphics card :/
« on: March 20, 2003, 10:46 »
OK here goes then,

This Post may sound very contradictory but it is the truth so here goes...

My setup at the moment is: -
1Ghz Duron
Gigabite mobo using the VIA 133Echipset.
256mb PC100
Geforce4 Ti4200

This setup works perfectly, but i decided to upgrade my CPU and ram recently.

I bought a AMD Athlonxp 2200+, and a ASUS A7V333, and also 2x 256mb PC2100.

After everything arriving I built the machine, but unfortuantly the Monitor did not come on. The PC seemed to sound as though it was running as normal but the monitor stayed in standby.

SO I sent the Motherboard back, and got a replacement (the same A7v333), andthe same thing happened. So I thought it could be a pronlem with the MOBO. So i sent it back and bought another different MOBO a MSI KT4 Ultra, and tryed everything with this.

SHOCK HORROR, It did the same thing... the monitor stayed on standby. So I decided to try an older graphics card.

Which actually worked, any other graphics cards work. Its just my MSI GeForce4 Ti4200 that doesnt work with ANY new motherboard.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can yuo help me, I dont want to have to resort to buying a new Geforce FX  ;)

Thanks a lot for any help


p.s. sorry for the typo's im typing it realy fast  :P
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Offline Simon

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2003, 13:16 »
Hi David - welcome to the forum.

Assuming that your GeForce Ti4200 worked in your original mobo, and assuming you've installed the drivers correctly on the new boards, I'm wondering if you may have accidentally damaged the Ti4200 during transition to the new mobo?  Not what you'd like to hear I suspect, and I could be totally wrong, so please hang on until one of our techies comes along before you go any further.   ;) :)
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Offline Sandra

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2003, 13:35 »
It does sound like the card has gone faulty.Have you another PC that you could try it in to confirm it ?

Offline Hitch

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2003, 15:08 »
Check that the new board has got any onboard gfx, if it has make sure its turned off.. you can do this by using the onbaord gfx at forst boot to get into bios, pressing delete on boot normally does this.
Then look in your options for onboard gfx and turn it off.

Reboot machine with monitor re-plugged back in the gfx card instead.

Of courrse this is only if the new MB has onboard gfx.

** ive just re read the post and noticed you said that other cards work ok, soryr i was too busy watching this war thing and sandy just pointed it out to me. Even though you have tried othrer cards it could still be this. My wifes pc has jumperless board with geforce, i had to try for hours theother day to get it override the onboard AGP yet with another card it just works, dont know if this is a fualt on geforce or just me being thick but it can still be onboard problem if the board has it*

Of course it could just be the pins are not connecting correctly, have you tried wiping them with alcholol? and reinserting them a few times?

Offline David^

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2003, 21:52 »
I have rebuilt my original setup (the Duron) and it is back to normal. I really am totally confused as to why it would work with an older Motherboard and not the newer ones.  ???

And I usually use my alcohol for other things than to wipe my graphics cards with!  :P But ill give it a go and hope it works

Fingers crossed

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Offline Clive

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2003, 22:06 »
Our fingers are crossed for you too Dave.

Offline David^

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2003, 22:19 »
I cleaned it and reinserted it  around four dozen times and the monitor still refuses to say hello. Wow this really is frustrating....

I know it sounds stupid but I cannot think of anything that would make this happen. Oh and by the way neither motherboards have an onboard graphics card.


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Offline bat69

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2003, 22:31 »
Hi David

This is a strange one

Have you installed the latest VIA 4 in 1 driver pack
VIA Hyperion

This may be causing a conflict somewhere


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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2003, 22:37 »
Rather than waste alchohol on cleaning duties, I find that a plastic eraser does the job very well. Me  :drunk: never! :lol:

I'm wondering whether this could be anything to do with the AGP version supported by the new Mobo.  Presumably the Ti4200 is an AGP 2x card and the mobo is a 4x ???

Offline bat69

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2003, 22:42 »
Yeah I was thinking that Sean, but I thought it would auto detect the AGP speed  ???

But then the Ti4200 is an AGP 4x card I think


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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2003, 22:46 »
What's on the the KT4 Ultra Bat? Is it an 8x? Could that be where the problem lies? ???

Offline Sandra

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2003, 22:51 »
Just found this on the MSI site FAQs as regards Nvidia graphics cards :

Question  After I install NVIDIA-based graphics card, every time when Windows loads, an error message would pop out stating my graphics card is not installed properly. What should I do?
Type  VGA
Keyword  Nvidia
Answer  Make sure the option of "Assign IRQ to VGA" in your motherboard BIOS is enabled. If you do not see this option in your motherboard BIOS, please contact your system/motherboard manufacturer to see if this option is available on your system. All NVIDIA-based graphics cards must have an assigned IRQ to operate correctly. In addition, conflicts with drivers from previous graphics cards can also prevent the NVIDIA drivers from installing properly. Please remove any drivers from previous graphics cards before installing the NVIDIA-based graphics card. If you are not sure how to do so, please contact the manufacturer of your graphics card for assistance of removing their display drivers correctly.

Hope you find this some use  :-*

Offline bat69

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2003, 22:57 »
KT4 Ultra is a 8x AGP board using an AGP 2.0 slot

Offline David^

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2003, 17:18 »
Thanks for all this help and the very quick responce times  :D

Ok its quite annoying having to copmletly rebuild my PC from motherboard up just to swap mob, cpu, memory etc. Ive done it 5 times now and it still doesnt work.

Anyway I thought i should let you know that the graphics cards that WORKED with my newer setup, (the 2200+) was an 8x AGP GAinward geforce4 mx440 so im not sure id the 8x AGP slot had anything to do with it. But because this card was a geforce 4 aswell then what Sandra said might not matter.  :-\

And if that card worked, and my ti4200 doesn't what does that show...  ???

Anyway thanks soo much for all the help and time our putting in to help me, and hopefully we'll be able to sort it out

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Offline Simon

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Re:My crazy graphics card :/
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2003, 20:54 »
Sorry Dave, I've slightly lost track, can we recap a little?  Are you saying that the Ti4200 does work in another mobo, since you swapped it over, thus eliminating a fault with the card, and that the only time it doesn't work is when you put it on your new board?

If that's the case, I wonder if Hitch was on the right track, and there is something in the BIOS of that particular board that needs changing, to enable the AGP slot, or a setting to comply with that particular card?

Shooting in the dark really, but anything's worth a try!   :)
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