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Author Topic: I Need a New Modem!  (Read 7106 times)

Offline the_Breeze

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I Need a New Modem!
« on: November 13, 2002, 22:12 »
Modem advice needed!

Currently, my PC is equipped with a PCtel HSP 56K MicroModem, which was "included in the price", as it were. I've read all about this modem and its shortcomings, and, having experienced its weaknesses first-hand for some time now, I think it's now time for an upgrade.

Mind you, I must say I don't reckon I have any 'speed' problems, like a lot of people seem to do. I can download, on a good day, good connection, and good server, at 5.1-ish; but I'm generally very happy if I can average 4-ish. (Meter-reported speeds, as opposed to Windows-reported). My problem at the moment is very irritating random disconnects, and the odd bit of lag - all problems which I believe can be exacerbated by software modems - and can be solved (?) by getting a hardware-based one.

My ISP is 'Fast24', and I've just signed up to their new 12-hour cutoff, 300 hours-per-month package - but as I can get disconnected after anything between 10 and 45 minutes on any given connection, it's obvious I'm not making full use of potential online time. This applies mainly to web-browsing. I can stay online for a while if I'm downloading using Peer-to-peer utilities or my download manager. Surfing is the problem. It's got really bad since the ISP moved over completely to FRIACO, which the modem concerned has never liked. It's got REALLY bad in the last month or so.

I've tried using all sorts of tweaking programs; I've messed around with the modem Properties feature; and I've tried inputting a variety of 'init strings' - but, apart from the odd apparent increase in connectivity, I reckon I'm wasting my time. I need a new modem!

So; can anyone offer any advice - from personal experience, or informed hearsay - on which model I should go for? I must say I'm having quite a bit of difficulty finding information on this subject. I've found a few modem-based sites and forums, but the advice given is very often contradictory or illogical. Mostly, they don't recommend models as such.

I'm not a complete dunce; I've done SOME homework, and I know what I want and don't want (or do I!). Here's a few points :-

(1) Has to be a 56K model.

(2) I'm not too fussy on whether you advise an Internal, or External model. Though, aesthetically, I'd prefer an Internal (but External is supposed to be "better"?)

(3) I'm also unconcerned about V92 compatability. If it is - fine; if it isn't - too bad.

(4) Important - MUST be hardware-based (ie it musn't require any PC-system RAM, or unused CPU cycles in order to function). It must have it's own RAM, and possess all the bits 'n' pieces it needs to work. My current modem is software-based - I've had enough of that!

(5) Any Internal model suggestions should feature a PCI connection.

(6) I have a USB port available for External models.

(7) An area I need help in - I believe hardware-based models don't use 'drivers' in the same way as software-based models do? Am I wrong? Instead, do they use some kind of 'firmware' structure? Whatever - is any model you suggest supported regularly with driver/firmware updates, and are they efficient/relatively bug-free?


I'm not afraid to spend a few quid on a REALLY good modem. It's a process of elimination, really; if I get a well-reviewed, well-liked modem and it DOESN'T help with the problems mentioned above, then it's obviously time to get a new ISP. With all the attendant horrors that THAT entails. This country!
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Offline bat69

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2002, 22:29 »
Welcome the_breeze, you'll find us very friendly, please join in the banter and become one of the crowd.

Right your problem. One thing you didn't say is whether you've had your line checked out by BT, there could be a noisy line or the gain may need increasing, or even decreasing. Do you have call waiting enabled, that can sometimes cause problems.

I prefer internal modems, only because its a little bit tidier, I have enough wires dangling around, lol  I'm not sure what to recommend at the moment, so I'll have a little look around and see if I can find something that will fit what you want.  I think the one I've just bought is a Hayes hardware modem, V92. I'll check it out, its OEM so I don't know what model

I'll try to find something for you, but keep looking back as there may be someone else who can help you too

Offline the_Breeze

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2002, 22:42 »
Bat69 - thanks for replying.

No; it's nothing to do with Call Waiting, and I'm well-up on the gain settings on my line.

It's the old story - accessing 0845 numbers gives better performances, and the old 1430845 number that Fast24 used to do was brilliant.

I reckon there's just something about my modem that FRIACO doesn't like.

Yes; PLEASE tell me as much about your modem as possible - I want to build up as complete a picture of what's out there as possible.
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I ain't gotten me nobody;
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Offline Lona

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2002, 22:48 »
Welcome to pc-pals Forum the_Breeze :)

I have the exact same modem as yourself and have the same problems. I am with Freeserve and they have tried everything to stop all the disconnections I am having at the moment. The thing is I have another connection with (would you believe cloud-nine who crashed a year ago) and it still works. I don't have the connection problems when I use it. At this moment my connection is quite good but one never knows when it is going to happen. There is no pattern to it. I can connect first time and cut off after 2 mins. Its much worse if I am using MSN messenger. I really don't want to leave Freeserve only to find out it's my modem that is causing all the trouble. Is your PC a Hewlett Packard btw?

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Offline Lona

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2002, 22:53 »
Thought you would like to know, just as I went to post my last reply I was disconnected. If it is going to happen, it's usually when I am posting something or chatting on MSN. Is that any help Bat?

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Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

Offline Sandra

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2002, 23:05 »
Hi Breeze,back in what now seems like the distant past I had an internal pci Speedcom 56K modem,my friend who builds a lot of PCs always used them and thought they were excellent for internal ones.
Some 6 months later I did have a problem and after getting the line checked and the gain increased I was still getting problems and borrowed an external U.S.Robotics one which was such an improvement over the PCI one I bought one.My reported connection speeds went from 42k on agood day to 52K,even on a bad day they were consistantly 49.3K
Apparently the external ones compress the data and can over come line faults and improve connection speeds.I would avoid USB ones at all costs if possible,but thats my preference as you will see if you read some of my other posts that I am a bit prejudiced ,maybe wrongly so ,against USB powered stuff   ;)
I now have ADSL so I am stuck with a USB modem for the time being which seems fine now but does run at the max available power that the USB ports allow,which I am not too keen on.Its ok at the moment but if it starts acting up I would try and get a different type  :-*

Offline Sandra

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2002, 23:07 »
Which modem have you got Lona  ???

Offline Simon

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2002, 23:09 »
Welcome The_Breeze.  

I have a Smart Link V92 56K modem, but it's only a cheapie as a standby, as I am fortunate enough to have ADSL.  I therefore can't actually recommend you a model, but so as not to appear totally useless, I can recommend a couple of websites that have good ranges of modems and other hardware, with usually good product information.  Check out www.novatech.co.uk, and www.redstore.com, and you may find what you're looking for.   :)

I should add there are plenty of other online PC hardware stores available - these are just the ones I have personally tried.   ;) :)
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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2002, 23:19 »

Check out www.novatech.co.uk, and www.redstore.com, and you may find what you're looking for.   :)

I think we are going to have to ask those companies for sponsorship Simon. You seem to mention them every other post  :o ;) ;D

Offline Lona

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2002, 23:19 »
I have an HSP56 World micro modem, Sandra, same as the_Breeze. My last pc had an external modem which I found a lot faster. If I were to buy an external modem would it just be a matter of disabling the internal one in system devices. I think I only have usb connections on this PC so don't know what other way I would connect it. :- :- :-";"xx

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

Offline Simon

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2002, 23:23 »
I think we are going to have to ask those companies for sponsorship Simon. You seem to mention them every other post  :o ;) ;D

See edit above.   ;) ;D
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Offline Sandra

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2002, 23:26 »
If you disabled it in system devices Lona it would simply reinstall it the next time you rebooted unfortunately.
If it is a PCI then uninstall from add/remove in control panel then physically remove the PCI.
If its an onboard one then it would have to be disabled in the BIOS.
Sorry that I am not familiar with that make/model.

Surely you have a serial port as well as USB ports Lona?If not there are various PCI cards you can add if you have any free slots available on your board to give you various connection options  :-*

Offline Lona

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2002, 16:26 »
Will have to have a look at the back of PC Sandra. I think all the serial ports are used up. With my modem being an internal one, I thought that I could just uninstall it or disable it and that would be it. I never go inside the actual tower as | would probably blow myself up not knowing what I was doing. I don't even know what PCI cards are. They could be poker cards for all I know ;D ;D ;D

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

Offline bat69

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2002, 18:36 »
Hi the_Breeze, I haven't forgotten you, just havent had time to look at my modem yet ::)

I will agree that the old Fast 143 number was brilliant, I haven't found anything as good as that. It was a shame they lost it, I would have gladly paid extra for that line. Never mind  :-

I'm still looking for something for you

Offline the_Breeze

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Re:I Need a New Modem!
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2002, 18:42 »
Lona -

> Is your PC a Hewlett Packard btw?

Nah; it's a non-brand mongrel, made out of.... well.... bits, is the best way to describe it. But it does everything I want it to do! Nearly!

> If I were to buy an external modem would it just be a matter of disabling the internal one in system devices

Sandra is essentially right. This modem is not fitted into a PCI slot, but snicked into the mumboard. In my system (M758LMR Mainboard), I would :-

(1) Use 'Add/Remove Programs' to uninstall the driver (which, on my machine is called 'HSP56 MicroModem Drivers');
(2) Switch off, and open up,
(3) Short one of the jumper switches on the board (JP1) to disable it.

That would stop the system detecting it on the next boot, AND would free the 16 Mb of RAM that the little swine uses (bonus!). Presumably, it's safe to just leave it where it is. Of course, that's not to say that *you'd* follow exactly the same procedures, Lona. Should be in your manual, if you've got one. It'll also tell you whether or not you have PCI slots!


Sandra - "internal pci Speedcom 56K modem" & "external U.S.Robotics"

Noted in the list! Do you have any idea of the model type of the USR in question? I've heard from others that this is a good brand.

I've also heard people mutter darkly about USB stuff, though mostly in regard to ADSL. What's the big problem?


Simon - Links noted. If I ever end up buying anything from them, I'll tell them that you recommended them. But I get a cut of any backhanders, remember.


Tried to post this around 01:30-ish this *morning*?! Tried again...... and again...... and again! Thought not only the connection had totally died, but my modem as well; then I tried another URL - successfully! So this site was down at that time?! Is it VERY sluggish for anyone else just now? It's a case of post 'n' go!

Bat69 - Thanks. Yep; I miss 143!
hey call me the Breeze,
I keep rollin' down the road.
I ain't gotten me nobody;
I ain't carryin' me no load.

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