I had fraud on my CC recently.
Someone had passed all my security and asked for a new card to be sent to a new address
Anyway i called the fraud team and sorted it out and when i got my new card and tried to activate it the girl said i'd given her the wrong address
She asked me if i knew of anyone finding out my details but i quickly replied it must have been an inside job as no one knows them and you don't need to enter use this security unless your talking to them.
So back on to the fraud team and he said ok you can use the card anyway and if you get any problems get back in touch with him
They also put me on CIFAS crime prevention which means i need to use 2 new passwords that i gave him if i want to open any visa or get any loan from any lender
It's just a part of life now a days, ebay hacked twice, credit card fraud a couple of times but i haven't lost anything through it erm that i know of ':|