I have now ran a diagnostic on the hard drive with SeaTools from
http://www.seagate.com you can use this on ANY external hard drive it doesnt have to be seagate or max take a look it would be use full to anyone else that has this problem the only thing it can't do it is fix your hard drive if it's not a seagate or maxtor hard drive.
You can do quick diag or an in-depth one I did all and left it running all night, everything came up OK
I have now split the drive into 2 partitions so if It goes again (touch wood not) I wont loose all stuff I still have a 2 year guarantee left on this drive so 'Im not going to put anything on that's important for a while, but anything could happen at any time, by the way I have backed up all my pictures to DVD
:ithank:to you all who helped very much appreciated as always