I am building a computer with the following specs:
Antec p182
4GB Corsair Memory (PC 6400)
Asus P5Q-E
750W Corsair PSU
1TB Samsung Spinpoint (for media)
Radeon4850 Graphics Card
I need a hard drive for my OS and Programmes and would like to avoid the expensive SSD and Raptor hard drives. I have looked around and it seems the best alternative would be a second 1TB Samsung Spinpoint (though Western Digital Caviar Black has been suggested as an alternative).
Do you think that 1. It would be a waste of money to buy a 1TB hard drive just for the Operating System and Programmes - I don't really play games, so much of the space is never really going to be used 2. I have heard that placing the Operating System on such a large hard drive is actually a bad idea (though am not sure why) - is this true? If so should I partition, to say leave just 100GB free for the OS and the rest for programmes?
Would be really grateful for your comments and suggestions for any alternatives.