Thanks, Sandra! On the strength of that, I'm inclined to take a flyer and start swapping bits over from box-to-box then. My main worry was that Windows 7 might not recognise the new CPU/config for licence purposes and then refuse to play. At least I've now got someone to blame if it all goes the way of the pear.
The PSU shouldn't present any problems , as it's a newish 800w Hiper jobbie that I paid an obscene amount of money locally for, after the one I bought on eBay from a gentleman in Bradford was DOA and its replacement blew up very noisily after only a week. It smelled of curry anyway.
With any luck, I might also end up with a free copy of Windows 7 (on the Medion install disk from the new machine), provided I can successfully reactivate the copy of Vista I upgraded from and plonk it back onto the old machine. First things first though, eh?
I'll hit the Medion forum after it all ends in tears.
Yours eternally gratefully,
Mr. Confident of Bournemouth