So I have followed my strict regime of unplugging the router overnight and booting it back up again before switching my computer on. For nearly a month, all has been well. This morning, despite my best efforts, the wireless light was glowing on the router but I could not get a connection using my dongle. I tried the laptop which was well within range and still zilch. In desperation I used an ethernet cable and all was well. This afternoon I had a little more time to fiddle around so I tried the laptop again and Windows 7 claimed I had an excellent signal from the Netgear. But it said there was no connection and offered to troubleshoot the problem and sort it out for me. I thought it wise to take up the very generous offer which eventually entailed rebooting the router. I was highly skeptical by this time because I had already rebooted it several times during the morning. My skepticism was well founded because still there was no connection. Howeever, it then said Windows 7 had detected another fault, and would I like it fixed? "Of course" I shouted and off it went again on a troubleshootting spree. "Problem, solved, would you like to connect to the internet now?" "Yes". And behold- it worked! Very excited by now I tore the ethernet cable from my PC and imagine my surprise to find that my dongle had sprang back to life again! I have no idea what the problem was or what Win 7 did to solve it.