First of all - thanks for the welcome
And yes, now that I've found this gem of a website, I'll be here more often!!
Ok, I'm going to investigate the switch a bit more. I'll pick up another one from work and see if that does the trick.
The problem occurs when there is nothing BUT the AC attached, or if anything is attached, and I've checked all the jumpers so it shouldn't be WOL or anything.
No jumper setting regarding any power options on board.
4 Sec power off, or hit it once, and XP shuts down (dual booting BTW).
Its true that there is a low voltage running through - my optical trackball lights up when pc powered down.
MOBO: GA-7VRXP... I think
yes I'm sure.
Looks like the money is on the switch... closing all bets soon
I really hope its not the mobo...