Nelson Mandela was sitting calmly in his own house when a doorbell is heard. As he opened the door, he saw a Chinese bloke with a car behind him. The Chinese guy blurts out, "You want this car? You want this car?" Mandela ignores him and goes back to his living room.
The next day, Mandela was watching TV when a doorbell was heard again. As he opened the door, there was the same Chinese guy with the same car behind him. The Chinese guy said "You want this car? You want this car?" Mandela ignores him again and slams the door.
The Chinese bloke rang Mandela's door everyday and again he ignored him, until one day he got fed up. The bell rang, and again, the Chinese guy said "You want this car? You want this car?"
"NO! GO AWAY OR I'LL CALL THE COPS!" he replied aggressively...
You'll hate me for this..."Oh," said the Chinese guy, "so you no Nissan Main Dealer?"