Loosen up! I can listen to Yes, The Stranglers, Jacqueline du Pres, The Selector, Pink Floyd and Queen quite happily, not necessarily thinking it would be the music of my choice but still appreciative of what it is and immersing myself into its qualities. Heck, I can even bear Cliff Richard (if only the early stuff).
Benny Anderson and Bjorn Ulvaeus were very skilled songsmiths who could capture a zeitgeist. Like their work, the films may appear to be superficial, contrived and banal but when you look at the arrangements and sentiments you see something much more evocative. Abba's music couldn't have lasted as long as it has if there had not been something substantial to it.
You're not teenagers any more, trying to impress the cool dudes with your knowledge of Hendrix and Clapton and your rejection of anything else. It's okay to let go of the 'worthy' music for a while and imerse yourselves in something else. Try it - you might find it touches parts of your soul that other music can't reach. If it doesn't, well, I refer to my earlier quotation of Mark Kermode