Thanks for those guys, I'll let you know how I get on.
WELL ? were's the update then
jeez you know I said "upgrades never again" well a mate of mine [from up the Lakes] brought his IPatriot with its 32MB Memory [- 4MB for the onboard graphics] and 3GB HDD, and 200Mhz CPU for a bit of a "tart up"
See he has this new Digital Camera, very nice, and not a cheapie. It had 40 piccies of his first grandchild on it. But when he tried to load his camera software onto his PC, it just laughed at him.
So I said, New PC mate or I have a stick of 64 MB memory, and a 8GB HDD I can pop in as well if you going to be storing loads of piccies, Being a true Yorkshire man, he sez he'll have the free Sunday dinner and the titivation please.
What a bag of sh*te the IPatriot turned out to be, only one HDD bay , and hence only one IDE cable. So I had to get the drill out and I popped the extra HDD in to the spare CD-Rom bay. I mean it ain't as if he is going to shell out on a CD-RW/DVD combo now is it