Right A friend of mine had probs with his PC, mouse all over the place, Active Desktop would not load. And before you could attempt to solve any thing or attempt to go into safe mode, Windows would just close down.
Anyway in the course of things I was going to restore a saved image of C: Drive, which ment putting his Hard Drive in my PC. Anyway, could not do for some reason, and nor would his hard drive, after reformatting, install a clean W2K. Anyway it was running late and as it was an old 5400rpm 8MB hard drive, I let him have my stand by 40GB hard drive, so as to get him up and running.
Anyway since then, my PC has been acting funny, like sometimes when closing down, a box comes up saying Outlook is running, even if I have not had it open. Plus some times when I try to open Outlook it will not load unless I reboot.
Also whilst browsing, sometimes hearing the 'shutting door' sound made by instant messager programs even though I do not use such programs or have any installed.
And when I look in the 'Computer Management' tab under 'Shared Folders' there are three folders listed as:
'Shares' containing "ADMINS$ C:\ WINNT [under properties tab/ comment, it says, Remote Admin]
also C$ C:\ [under properties tab/ comment, it says, Default Share]
IPC$ [under properties tab/ comment, it says, Remote Admin]
Also under "Shared Folders" it has two more folders named "Sessions" and "Open Files" [both of which are empty]
Does this mean my C:Drive is wide open Now I have not enabled file sharing, and if I try to stop sharing. A message box comes up saying : "This share was created for Administrative purposes only. The share will reappear when the Server service is stopped and restarted or the computer is rebooted.
As I have not enabled File sharing, I'm sure that Folder should be empty, Right ?
I have run my Anti Virus program [Symantec] found nothing.
Also I have run the following "fix it tools"
Backdoor. Winshell.50
All said, non were found on my PC, but the Trogan. Qhosts said this:
The value "HostName" of the registry key
is set to "Administrator".
The folder "C:\System Volume Information" was not scanned.
Trojan.Qhosts has not been found on your computer.
The Fix Swen tool came upo with this message:
The default value of the registry key
is set to ""%1" %*".
The folder "C:\System Volume Information" was not scanned.
W32.Swen.A@mm has not been found on your computer.
Right anybody got any thoughts on the above.