Another thing worth trying is possibly checking to make sure the partition on the drive you are booting from is active.
In the bios I take it you've got 'boot sector virus protection' switched off - otherwise you wouldn't have installed correctly.
1. Make an XP recovery/boot disc - or download one from
www.bootdisk.com2. boot from the bootdisk then run fdisk
3. check to see that the partition on your hard drive is set to 'active'
Alternative possabilities
- power? When you disconnected the IDE cable from the CD did you also disconnect the power lead from it?
- Spin up time of hard drive. Doubt this but how long have you left the machine for when it seems to have stuck?
- Hard drive a bit flakey. Have you tried booting it in another machine? This would at least discount the drive if it did boot. Also worth downloading the manufacturers test software and switching on/off SMART in the bios.