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Author Topic: Britannica 1911 Edition.  (Read 886 times)

Offline chorleydave

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Britannica 1911 Edition.
« on: July 25, 2004, 02:15 »
The LoveToKnow Free Online Encyclopedia is based on what many consider to be the best encyclopedia ever written: the eleventh edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, first published in 1911.  At a time when many encyclopedias have capsulated and condensed important knowledge, the 11th edition is generally much more in-depth and thorough on it's topics.  It is not uncommon for our entries to be 5 to 10 times the length of other encyclopedias.  As a research tool, this 11th edition is unparalleled - even today. LoveToKnow is in the process of updating and editing thousands of the entries, preserving the treasured entries that make it so unique, and adding entries on new relevant topics. We hope that you enjoy and learn from the LoveToKnow Free Online Encyclopedia and that it becomes one of your favorite places for reference information.


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Re:Britannica 1911 Edition.
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2004, 18:51 »
What an absolute treasure trove Dave!  I have a copy of an astronomy book written in 1910 by the famous astronomer Robert S Ball who was the Patrick Moore of his day.  What I always found to be particuarly endearing is the quaint language they used at the time.  I looked up Jupiter in the encyclopaedia and it begins....

JUPITER, in astronomy, the largest planet of the solar system his size is so great that it exceeds the collective mass of all the others in the proportion of 5 to 2. He travels in his orbit at a mean distance from the sun exceeding that of the earth 5-2 times or 483,000,000 miles.

Notice how planets in those days were always male or female.   ;D

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