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Author Topic: Wanadoo 2MB  (Read 1320 times)

Offline chorleydave

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Wanadoo 2MB
« on: July 29, 2005, 18:17 »
I've just received this email from my ISP:

Dear Wanadoo Customer Wanadoo Broadband now up to 2 Meg.

Have you heard the latest? Wanadoo Broadband is now up to 2 Meg. That's twice as fast as it was and still from only £17.99 - it's a steal. You get a connection that's at least double the speed of your current Broadband and you can surf the Internet and do what you want to do even quicker.

You can upgrade right now and start exploring the wonders of faster 2 Meg Broadband today. Double your speed for a one off admin charge of only £20.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong (and don't forget I don't play online games) but what possible benefit is to be gained from 2MB broadband?  Since I entered the "fast lane" at the begining of the year, I have repeatedly questioned my own sanity in paying three quid a month more for internet access with no benefits from it.

Take today.  I was using a popular P2P program to download a clip of Eric Cantona's infamous Kung Fu kick.  Having found it, I then proceeded to download it, all 7.63MB of it.  The first connection I got was downloading at 656b/s, so I searched for more sources and eventually, after much faffing, managed to get it downloading at the astonishing speed (NOT) of 3KB/s.  All in all, it took over a hour to get it.

Now I know that broadband allows you to use the telephone at the same time as you use the internet, and I know that graphics heavy web pages sometimes load faster, but what is the point of 2MB broadband when the only real benefit of broadband, better download speeds, only really applies if updating anti-virus signatures or risking Windows Updates?  In almost all other cases, download speeds are limited by the source to nothing more than 4KB/s - a speed I could easily get on 56K dialup.

If anybody can come up with any reason why I should upgrade to 2MB, I'll be fascinated to hear it.

Offline Clive

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Wanadoo 2MB
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2005, 22:12 »
So true Dave.  What fascinates me is that how come they can all suddenly offer 2Mb BB with no increase in price?  Obviously they could have been doing it all along!

Offline Sandra

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Wanadoo 2MB
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 22:39 »
The strange thing is it always the same upload speed though, usually around 256kb no matter how fast the download is on ADSL  :(

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